Raging Stallion Studios hosted a party at Mighty, a SOMA club, on Saturday, September 26th. At the end of the evening, Chris Ward announced that there were two winners of the studio's Man of the Year Award: Austin Wilde and David Taylor.
Austin Wilde & Ricky Sinz.
Antonio Biaggi & Ricky.
Antonio & Ryan Raz.
Antonio & Ryan.
Hubbies Tristan Phoenix & Tristan Jaxx.
Heh heh.
Ryan, Austin & Scott Boardman.
Austin & Ashley.
Ricky & Mr. Pam.
RJ Danvers & Conner Habib.
Conner & RJ.
Conner & RJ.
Austin Wilde during his acceptance speech.
Cole Streets, Ryan & Howard Andrew.
Sooo meaty!
Junior Stellano & Cole.
Junior & Conner.
Big Brother's Steven Daigle & Ricky Sinz.
Ricky & Rocco Giovanni.
Ashley & Cole.
i dont know what you did to get him to smile.. but im sure it was very sexy mr T-ball